Lenders Recognize The Value And Strength of Mortgage Intermediaries.
We take pride in having strong relationships with all lenders, which allows us to maximize the choice, convenience, and counsel available for Canadians. With all our lender partners, we’re working towards the mutual benefit of mortgage professionals, industry partners, and most importantly consumers.
We are always open to new lender partnerships. If you would like to access the largest network of independent mortgage professionals, contact us to find out how you can become an Approved, Matrix or Preferred Mortgage Alliance Lender.
A List Of Some Of Our Lenders:
- Right Mortgage®
- Smart Mortgage™
- First National
- National Bank
- HomeTrust
- Firstline
- Equitable Trust
- ING Broker Services
- TD Canada Trust
- Street Capital
- Concentra
- Resmor
- Bridgewater
- Optiumum
- Scotia
- Xceed
- Desjardins
- Canadiana Financial
- Altena Savings
- Lendwise
- AGF Trust
- Caisse Populaire
- Costal Credit Union
- Duca Credit Union
- Dundee Bank of Canada
- Effort Trust
- IC Savings
- Industrial Alliance
- Intel Financial
- Merix Financial
- MRS Trust
- National Bank of Greece
Whether you have good credit or bad credit, there are clear advantages to working with Maryam Sani’s Team. We understand that people are more than just a credit score! As a mortgage broker, we are able to approve almost anyone within 24 hours, and can secure better & more flexible rates for you.